Thursday, June 7, 2007

Republican Primary

What is it with these guys in power? Don't they get it? We have the greatest attack force in the world, I defy you to name a square inch of earth the U.S. Military can't take, you can't , there isn't one. So why the hell are the greatest warriors ever stuck playing traffic cops? Would you go see the terminator play chips? Of course not because anyone with a color television knows it would be a mistake but evidently those guys in New Hampshire tonight don't own color televisions cause it sounded like more stay the course except for one bright bulb to the far right but he is from texas and that wagon has rolled.
Someday and it won't be long somebody is gonna realize our boys should be in darfur right now and if that means we have to find a new sheriff in bagdad then it won't be a moment too soon. Our boys can take any hill but only the lapd has the skills to keep a bunch of dumbasses from stepping on their own dicks.

Jesus would have nuked the place before sending the troops and he would be done cleaning up by now.


Prolife? If we focused more on protecting civil liberties, all of them, everywhere then maybe would be moms wouldn't be so reluctant to dedicate their lives to birthing future soldiers.