Thursday, August 9, 2007
Safe roadways
GW if you are not the man to follow in Eisenhowers footsteps and set a new agenda then that is ok, there are others who have waited their whole lives to lead a cause like this. Will people celebrate their interstates being closed, hell no! Will people celebrate having a new door to door compartmentalized rail system, hell yes. Will it require additional taxes? Of course. Is there another alternative? Public domain for a different right of way? More petroleum to drive how many years? More gridlock? More hov lanes? Fixing the bridges, roadways, and exits?
We had the chance 5 years ago for real intelligent dialog regarding terrorism and we blew it and 3000 people died in vain. Nothing learned nothing gained.
We have the same opportunity for dialog about the future of our transportation but we won't use it. We will argue about new taxes, roadway budgets, and a president that hasn't a clue about where we came from or where we are going.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Republican Primary
Someday and it won't be long somebody is gonna realize our boys should be in darfur right now and if that means we have to find a new sheriff in bagdad then it won't be a moment too soon. Our boys can take any hill but only the lapd has the skills to keep a bunch of dumbasses from stepping on their own dicks.
Jesus would have nuked the place before sending the troops and he would be done cleaning up by now.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Weather Ballon Alert!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
joe grogan is funny
joe he had a funny spiel about having to make your own cell phone, camera, or anything technical once all the smart people have died off. I got up and closed the curtains; visions of villagers with torches and stones come to kill me for not only knowing how these things work but even worse I actually built my own phone and several cameras back in the seventies when I was a kid.
Sad fact nobody noticed when I built them or my favorite electric guitar but the girls went crazy when I blew them up in the field behind Columbine High School where I went to school. Go figure. I think Joe may be right in more ways than he knows.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The perfect plan
I tell you what... I like nachos and your name is nacho and I like that so let me tell you what me and condi are gonna do. This guy bernie is no good, he helped the last guy all the time and ended up with contracts left and right so we are gonna throw him under the bus and your gonna help and your gonna gain see. Now this is what the boys cooked up, you got $100 million right? In stock? Well sell um cause your gonna need to be liquid hehe I like that word liquid, condi you like liquid? hehe. So where was I? Oh yeah so you get your $100 million liquid and your gonna buy stock in bernies company from our saudi friends and then your gonna sell it at a loss see. Now I seen your eyes get big just hold on a second. Your gonna lose all your money but that's ok see cause bernis got himself all margin'd up and if the stock goes down our boys say he will have to start selling. Now I am not a fan of marginin since silverado put my brother neil belly up in your state but the boys tell us margin will kill ol bernie too. That's where you gain cause when bernie gets margin'd tehe margin'd I made a joke, then you are gonna step in and take over those govt contracts see and your company is gonna make the billions he's been making. So that is how you are gonna gain see.
Are you in nacho? I love nachos... I need to know if your in nacho cause this is important stuff.
So important karl said I need to call it top secret cause it has to do with national security so don't tell anyone, ok. Even under oath ok.
Sucks to be you Joe!
You never should have messed with the pioneers.
IMUS: Its hard out here for a pimp and speaking smack will get you whacked.
IMUS: Its hard out here for a pimp and speaking smack got you whacked.