Thursday, August 9, 2007

Safe roadways

Hey dumas their called the Eisenhower Highway system so take a wild guess when they were devised. About half way between then and now they were what was really needed, they are not anymore. The days of speeding down petroleum surfaced, petroleum manufactured rubber tired, petroleum burning steel boomboxes is gone. We need transport, mass transit, and bandwidth. Government gave away the railroad right of way so now they have no choice but to usurp the highway system for a updated retrofit. If autos are no longer included in this retrofit then too bad for anyone who thinks they can't live without making, selling, fixing, filling, cleaning, or driving them. Oil is twighlight, electric cars will be great for getting groceries but we need cross country door to door high speed rails that are computerized compartmentalized and kick some serious arse.
GW if you are not the man to follow in Eisenhowers footsteps and set a new agenda then that is ok, there are others who have waited their whole lives to lead a cause like this. Will people celebrate their interstates being closed, hell no! Will people celebrate having a new door to door compartmentalized rail system, hell yes. Will it require additional taxes? Of course. Is there another alternative? Public domain for a different right of way? More petroleum to drive how many years? More gridlock? More hov lanes? Fixing the bridges, roadways, and exits?
We had the chance 5 years ago for real intelligent dialog regarding terrorism and we blew it and 3000 people died in vain. Nothing learned nothing gained.
We have the same opportunity for dialog about the future of our transportation but we won't use it. We will argue about new taxes, roadway budgets, and a president that hasn't a clue about where we came from or where we are going.